The Prostituition Tribunal

Photo: José Figueroa
Teater Tribunalen, Stockholm and Inkonst, Malmö 2010
Concept: Arena Baubo
Art works by: Katja Seitajoki, Maria Magdolna Beky Winnerstam, Lina Benneth, Efwa-Wiktoria Rodell, Maria Stiernborg och Kajsa Wadhia
More participants: Tomas Björkdal, Lina Samuelsson, Karin Hauptmann, Ludvig Uhlbors, Isabella Lund, Tanya Suhinina, M, Fairy, Timo Nieminen and Ida Wahllund.
For ”Union Meeting for Prostitutes” (2007) Arena Baubo asked sex workers to write texts about their work, in ”Swedish Punters 09” (2009) sex buyers were invited in interviews to share their own stories and lives. The stories are now put up against each other in a performing arts gallery where we navigate between facts and myths.
The artists work with anti-hierarchical and multi-disciplinary methods with individual pieces responding to the documentary material. The art works take the form of performances, installations, photography and video art, intervened by a seminar connecting to the topic. An all night event of art and debate.
A tribunal with luxury-, junk-, and other whores’ own stories side by side with confessions of punters, dirty old man behaviour, filth and sexual paradises.
Katja Seitajoki | | +46 702 698 532
Katja Seitajoki | | +46 702 698 532