Tracing a Self-Portrait

Photo: José Figueroa

MDT, Stockholm 2013

IN-BETWEEN IMAGES Tracing a Self-Portrait
Katja Seitajoki

The project is an act in which an artist-portrait is examined through imitation, repetition, memory and withdrawal. It is an work which deal with processes of becoming through interact with others; being influenced by, shaped by, losing oneself or answering to the other. With means of drawing the self-portrait is formed in a space before articulation. It is a tracing of movements and thoughts through drawings, illuminated and projected. Images, text and sound are linked together to transform a subject. A process recreating contours and shadows in a negotiation where in-between images are emerging.

IN-BETWEEN IMAGES Tracing a self-portrait was presented in an combined evening with Kajsa Sandström´s performance THESE IMAGES ARE WRITTEN ON MY BODY, as it was presented at MDT Spring 2013.

Sandström works with the gaze and the eye; in relation to the becoming of bodies through visual processes of seeing and memory; inspired by three artists from the Dada- movement. Seitajoki creates a dialogical artist-portrait by means of conversations, thoughts and literature. Through drawing the dialogues trace the movement, which in turn creates the body.

During the shared evening, the spectating and the spectated are exposed on sheets of white paper. One could claim that the white surface is empty, while it is most likely already fully coded by shadows of history, habits and stereotype ways of seeing and behaving. The audience is exhibit/shown to different perspectives in the space, in relation to the white sheets of paper that are forming the stage for the both pieces.

IN-BETWEEN IMAGES Tracing a Self-Portrait

Concept, Direction and Text: Katja Seitajoki.
In collaboration with: Kajsa Sandström and Kajsa Wadhia.
Performance: Kajsa Wadhia.
Film: Tommi Seitajoki.
Sound: Ingrid Hedin Wahlberg.
Light design: Björn Kuajara

For more info, technical riders and documentation of the whole performances, please contact: +46- 70 269 85 32

Supported by: Arena Baubo, MDT Stockholm, Svenska Kulturfonden and Studiefrämjandet


In her new performance, Kajsa Sandström examines relations of the body to images and extended visual fields. Inspired by three female artists active in the Dada movement (1916-21) - Emmy Hennings, Hannah Höch and Sophie Taeuber, Sandström has created three inter-connected dance solos. A hundred years after the movement, processes of “bodily becoming” are being reflected upon; how is the body’s relation to the image of the body, and how are immaterial visualities shaping the meeting between the spectator and the performer?

Concept, Choreography and Dance: Kajsa Sandström. Direction and image: Kevin Doyle.
Sound: Ingrid Hedin Wahlberg.
Signs: Annika Sandström.
Light design: Björn Kuajara.
Outside eye: Katja Seitajoki

Supported by: Konstnärsnämnden, Dansens Hus SE/ MODUL DANCE: Carte Blanch DeVIR/CAPa Faro Portugal, MDT Stockholm, SITE projektrum, DÈPARTS Network, Danscentrum Syd Malmö

Katja Seitajoki | | +46 702 698 532